Croydon Road Precinct Streetscape Masterplan

A place-based Enquiry-By-Design approach

A place-based Enquiry-By-Design approach

  • Urban Realm
  • Project Croydon Road Precinct Streetscape Masterplan
  • Client Logan City Council,
  • Location Croydon Road, Woodridge

The Croydon Road Masterplan provides a unified long-term vision to enhance community identity and sense of place whist improving public spaces, bolstering economic growth and attracting investment.

The overall Master plan document gave careful consideration to the configuration, detail and embellishment of the spaces, along with a Streetscape Guidelines document. Critical site-based testing identified catalyst projects and design outcomes with the potential for immediate implementation, thus attracting significant government funding. In addition, opportunities for cross cultural markets, art and innovation will allow the community to grow and learn together in a vibrant celebration of a multicultural landscape.

Guided by landscape and urban design principles, an extensive collaborative engagement process helped to generate community pride and sense of place.

By employing Enquiry-by-Design principles, the regions mosaic of cultures is holistically represented, whilst maintaining the fundamental characteristics of the Precinct. This approach facilitated community and stakeholder buy-in and a responsive design strategy that reflects the core needs, wants, and values of the Logan Central community.

This place-based design approach brings a vibrant community together to learn, celebrate and socialise, enlivening the city though public activation.

great design comes from exploring and testing all possibilities

Our purpose is simple, yet powerful.


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