Redlands Coast Sports and Recreation Precinct

An all access, intergenerational recreational park for the Redlands Coast

An all access, intergenerational recreational park for the Redlands Coast

  • Parks + Playscapes
  • Urban Realm
  • Project Redlands Coast Sports and Recreation Precinct
  • Client Redland City Council,
  • Location Redlands

The design of stages 1 & 2 of the new Sporting and Recreation Precinct is aimed at providing the wider Redlands Coast community with a world-class facility richly balancing future community needs with ecological sustainability and interactive learning opportunities.

Three core precincts of the site include play, cycle and sports, inclusive of formal facilities for touch football, rugby league, BMX and cycling, the 101 hectare site features 47 hectares dedicated to sport and recreation facilities and activities. This includes an all abilities playground, kickabout space, pump track, rehabilitated wetlands, boardwalks, picnic areas, and educational trails through conservation areas.

Working harmoniously with the natural assets of the site, Vee led the landscape architecture and masterplanning aspects of the project in its entirety, providing full design of regional play sub-precinct incorporating zero depth wet play, learn to ride facility, various play structures, multi-function open spaces and the integration of innovative landscape solutions for the reminder of the site.

Vee joined a world-class multidisciplinary team including Bligh Tanner, Cox Architects, Empower and Fleetwood Urban in close collaboration with Council, undertaking a series of workshops to develop the 101 hectare site masterplan. A significant level of engagement with the local community and clubs ensured the needs and aspirations of key stakeholders were met during the masterplanning process.

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