The vision to enhance these beachside landscapes focuses on transforming them into diverse and fully activated spaces for the community and visitors to the region, while also celebrating the natural beauty of the coast. With a growing and changing population in the area, the reserves will also need to respond to changing community needs and demands, whilst balancing community use with mitigation against forecasted climate and coastal events.
The overall design aims were to create a space that is environmentally, socially and economically appropriate, sensitive and responsive to community and stakeholder feedback provided throughout the design process.
The design was split into four main precincts; Relaxed Recreation, Community Hub, The Active Zone and the Environmental Precinct. Sandy and Emerald Beach Reserves are popular beach front day use areas in Coffs Harbour, NSW. Coffs Harbour Council and NSW Parks & Wildlife Services engaged Vee Design to prepare a new master plans for the areas, which required extensive community engagement.
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